Monday, June 13, 2016

Quebec City, Canada

This is a very interesting city.  I don't speak a lick of French, but seem to be getting by fairly well so far.  I am staying at a cute hotel along the Ramparts of the walled city.  This is right outside my  hotel window.

This morning I went to Mass at Notre Dame church a block from my hotel.  Mass was in French, but I could follow it and say my prayers in English.  After Mass I walked around the neighborhood and went to the Visitor's Center for a street map.  

I was pretty tired from yesterday, so I went back to my hotel and took a 3 hour nap.  When I awoke, I went to St. Ann's basilica.  They have a relic of her in the church.  I touched it and it made me weep.  They had Mass there this afternoon, I attended my second Mass of the day.

Notice the mosaic above the alter with Mary, her mother Ann, and baby Jesus.  

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