Monday, June 13, 2016

Crazy about WAZE

During this trip I have used the WAZE App on my phone exclusively to get me from point A to point B.  I love it.  It tells me if there is construction on the road, if there is a car on the side of the road, road kill alert, if I am speeding, turn by turn instructions, how long it will take me to get there in miles and hours.  If I need gas, it shows me the closet station.  Same with restaurants.  It even tells me if the police are up ahead.  It re-routes me if traffic is at a stand-still.  And in Canada, it tells me how fast 70km is compared to my MPH!  How about that?  I also like to change the voice - today it is an English gent.  This is the coolest app on my phone.

One thing I thought was funny.  I put in the address for St. Teresa church and it told me, "you will arrive at your destination, street Teresa's church in 1000 feet."

Love it!  I highly recommend it for any road travel.

Anyone have any tips on WAZE they care to share, please do.  I am still learning it's features.

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