Thursday, June 16, 2016

Montreal, Canada

I love Canadians!  They are soooo nice.
Next year our friends up north will be celebrating their 375th birthday.  You have to think it is going to be one heck of a celebration.  They are prepping the city now with tons of construction.  If I were planning on coming next year, I think the Montreal Jazz Fest would be the perfect time to go.  Let me know if anyone is interested in a road trip!

Well, I ventured into the subway today - clean, safe, easy.  Be ready with cash, they don't take credit cards.  Fortunately, I had change for the round trip.  

I took a city tour - perfect for seeing the sites.  

The oldest statue in the city - Admiral Nelson

Tomorrow's Conquest - the art museum 
The Olympic Stadium from Mount Royal
Drake, I found your raccoon!
Went to see The Conjouring 2 - scary as all get out!
Left, Right and Center on the subway!

Last night I went to Mass at St. Joseph Oratory.  Construction began in 1924 and was completed in 1955.  It can seat 10,000 people.  The dome is the highest point in Montreal.  They offer Mass in English in the crypt on Thursday nights.  The crypt seats 1,000, there were about 100 people there last night.  The Order of the Holy Cross are the priests who reside there.  It is an amazing place.  

Brother Andre, the founder of this church, joined the Congregation of the Holy Cross in 1870.  He gained fame when cures were ascribed to him.  He attributed the cures to Saint Joseph and raised funds to build the first St. Joseph Oratory in 1904.  Over the years the church expanded.  Brother Andre died in 1937 at age 91.  A million people filed passed his coffin.  In 1982 John Paul II beatified him and he was canonized in 2010 by Pope Benedict.  Brother Andre's tomb is in the church as well as his exposed heart.  They have many exhibits telling the story of his life and work.  There are also several devotions to Saint Joseph.  The grounds include a life size Way of the Cross and a reflection pool.
Clarion Bells, 56 in total weigh 24,000lbs.

The organ in the basilica has 5,811 pipes,
the tallest in 32 feet.
Alter in the basilica