Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Fort George, Canada

This fort built between 1796 and 1799 is directly across the river from Fort Niagra in New York.  It was a critical supply station for the British forces.  The surrounding area was full of apprehension with the upcoming invasion by the Americans.  There were several towns people who had deep alliances with America, some were Americans born settlers.  

1812 was not a war Canada wanted to fight.  Fort George and Fort Niagra fired artillery at each other and both sides suffered losses.  In May 1813 the Americans volleyed a massive bombing campaign leaving Fort George in ruins.  The Americans invaded the northern point of Ontario, including the town of Niagra and held the fort for the next seven months.  In December, the Americans left by burning the fort and the town to the ground in their wake driving the Canadians out into a cold winter storm.  The fort was abandoned in the 1820s.  

View of Fort Niagra from Fort George Canada

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