Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Fort Niagra, New York

For more than 300 years this site has been a critical gateway to the great lakes.  First the Indians occupied it, then the French and finally the Americans.  It is located in New York across the Niagra River from the town of Niagra on the Lake.  It played a role in the French and Indian War, the American Revolution, and the War of 1812.  The redoubt above was built by the British with a fortified gateway and a room above for 20 soldiers.

The first building built - the French Castle.  It was called a "peace castle," but the windows on the  third floor  opened up over the ground below so soldiers could pour hot tar on the their enemy.  The windows on the second floor had holes for guns.
Entry way with a draw bridge
The draw bridge mechanism
Built by the British for storage and provisions.

The perimeter of the fort is a "ravelin" small earth mounds and a dry ditch.
This oven was built to heat cannon balls to shoot at the enemy.  It was never used since they could not move the fiery balls into the cannons without setting fires.

View of Fort George in Canada from Fort Niagra

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