Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Peabody Essex Museum Salem, Rodin Exhibit

I love a good horror story, but the "witches" in Salem creeped me out.  It was too much.  Lily recommended the Peabody museum, so I took a look.

They had two exhibits I visited yesterday afternoon.  The first one was a house from China that was reconstructed from the original.  In the few times I visited China, I never had the opportunity to visit the home of any of the Chinese people we met.  This exhibit was a self-guided audio tour that explained the function of each of the rooms as they were back in China when the original family lived there.  They told many stories of marriages, children, the responsibilities of the women and daughter-in-law.  One story stuck out as nuance I never heard before in the Chinese culture.  When the family ran into hard times an uncle moved in and charged them rent. The village called him "landlord" because he brought dishonor to the family.  He ended up dying of malnutrition because no one would care for him as he grew old and infirm.

The second exhibit I saw was a collection of Rodin sculptures and drawings.  Loved it!  One of the key pieces was - the Burghers of Calais.  Below is the description.

Here are three of the six pieces at the exhibit.
Here are the six together in France.
The kiss
The Thinker

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