Thursday, June 30, 2016

Happy Independence Day

I'm in Cleveland, Ohio and nearing the end of my trip.  It's really fitting that this journey is ending on the 4th of July weekend, the date our country declared independence from Britain.  Just thinking about what that meant to the colonial Americans when they heard "that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."  Not only were they free from tyranny, but when Thomas Jefferson used the phrase "their Creator" he and the founding fathers ensured that we are all free to worship God, Mohamed, Budda, or the Deity of our choosing.  We are at Liberty to speak our minds, work in the professions we choose, love the person we choose, obtain an education.  Vote!  And so much more.

It took time for the country to ensure that all men and women are created equal, but obtain those freedoms we did!  I am profoundly proud to live in a country that values the rights ensured by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  Although we learned about the Rights in school, we don't give them a second thought as to what it means to live in a free society.  We take them for granted until we are faced with injustice. There is too much vitriol coming from politicians towards minority groups today.  The freedom to hate Gays, Muslims, or anyone and act on that hate is NOT a right.  That is a "hate crime."  I believe inciting hate in others is a crime too.  Our founding fathers and mothers fought hard to guarantee our Rights.  Thousands of American soldiers sacrificed their lives on battlefields the world over to ensure freedom for all Americans.   

I truly love this country.  When I was walking in downtown Cleveland I noticed the smaller flag under the America flag on top of city hall and I was reminded of what it means to be an American.   Let us stand together this weekend and remember that all our brothers and sisters are created equal.  Kindness and love is the message we can send to lift up the disenfranchised or those who are being discriminated against.  Together we can let it be known that we won't tolerate discrimination.  We won't take freedom for granted.  We will exercise the Right to voice our opinion.  Thank God we are free to make that choice.  Happy Independence Day!  


  1. Beautifully written, Eileen, and even more so in light of the last few days' events. Welcome back!!

    1. Thanks David. It was a wonderful trip. I really enjoyed being on the road and seeing our wonderful country. Hope to see you soon. E
