Friday, May 20, 2016

Toledo - Drake and Lauren's Home

I was home today.  Sitting in the living room in Toledo with Drake and Lauren and their beautiful children, I felt at home.  I was welcomed, loved, and embraced.  They are my home.   

Everyone is doing fine.  Drake is nearing his second year Fellowship at the U of Toledo Medical Center.  Lauren is homeschooling Thomas and Maria who both are excelling and love to read.  Dominic and Cecilia are full of smiles and laughter.  It is a house of joy!

I was invited to attend a tea party this afternoon with Maria and Lauren.  It was at Catholic school classroom with a half dozen other families.  The moms and kids were all dressed for the occasion and everyone brought treats or tea sandwiches.  There was a demonstration by one of the moms on the different flowers and how God made all the flowers different, yet beautiful.  She talked about how He made each of us unique and beautiful too.  No one more than any other.   

When we came home Drake had dinner on the table and we celebrated Cecilia's birthday.  She turns one at the end of the month.  After dinner, we took turns interviewing each other on video - more to come.  

We said the Rosary tonight as a family before reading books and bed time.  I love that Drake and Lauren are teaching their children about the Catholic faith.  For them, practicing religion is more than attending church on Sunday. 

Tomorrow I am off to see my friend Carol.  Goodnight!

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