Thursday, May 19, 2016

AND...we're off!

Today was my last day at McDonald's, technically June 10th is my last day, but I decided to use my vacation days and leave a couple weeks early.  It was bitter sweet as they say.  I really have enjoyed my job and all my colleagues; but now that it is over, I am not looking back.  I am excited to see what the future will bring.

Tomorrow, May 20, 2016, I am heading out on a journey of renewal. This is the first time I am without a job in nearly 30 years.  It's time for a little reflection.  You have heard of the book, Eat Pray Love, well I thought it best to Pray before you Eat and then I'll Drive to the nearest adventure.  Praying for guidance and inspiration on what to do with the rest of my life sounds like a good plan.  I am looking forward to exploring local cultures and foods while I drive along the east coast visiting historical sites.  I will connect with some friends, kick my feet up and relax, while I reflect on how grateful I am to have such a wonderful family and fabulous friends. 

When you're traveling in a car, there is no such thing as packing lightly.  I am bringing the biggest suitcase ever - my Chevy Malibu. Instead of travel sizing, I am life sizing!  I am sitting in my kitchen looking at all this stuff to put in the car and perhaps I am overdoing it.  By the time I get to the second week I will know what I will need and what I can put in a bag to stick in the back of the trunk.  I normally travel with only a carryon, so this pile of stuff is a bit daunting.

Here is the general travel plan for the six week trip, but I expect there will be changes day to day.  My route will take me to Toledo to celebrate my granddaughter Cecilia's first birthday, then on to Pittsburgh to see my friend Carol.  Then I will be driving down the SKY HIGH road through the Shenandoah Valley to Appomattox Court House National Historical Park (U.S. National Park ... over to Thomas Jefferson's Monticello  then George Washington's Mount Vernon, a visit with my friend JoAnn, then up to Gettysburg National Military Park (U.S. National Park Service)City of Philadelphia: City of PhiladelphiaCity of Boston: Welcome and Acadia National Park (U.S. National Park Service)  From there I head west to Ville de MontrĂ©al - Official city portal and Quebec City and down to Fort Ticonderoga | Lake Champlain NY, across to the Women's Rights National Historical Park (U.S. National Park Service) in Seneca, NY and Buffalo.  Finally, I will meet up with Drake and family in Cuyahoga Valley National Park in Ohio. See map below.  I love history and look forward to learning more about our country and its cultural diversity.  I will also researching job prospects, so if you have any leads please send them my way.  I certainly welcome your insights and any suggestions for must see places to visit along my route.  So safe travels, keep in touch.  Ei   


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  2. What a great adventure!! Let me know if you need any tips for my favorite city in the world, Montreal! Have a wonderful time, Eileen! xo, Nicole

    1. Yes, thanks Nicole - send me tips for Montreal. I appreciate it! Ei
