Friday, May 27, 2016

Richmond, Virginia

Last night I arrived in Richmond to visit my friend Joann and her husband Bill.  Jo and I have been friends since high school.  We met while both acting in the play "The Matchmaker."  Over the years we have lived in different cities or states, but we never lost touch.  Good friends are like that.  No matter how long we are apart, we pick up right where we left off.  She has such a great sense of humor, always making me laugh.  

Today, Jo and I went to the White House of the Confederacy in Richmond.  It's the home where Confederate President Jefferson Davis and his family lived during the Civil War.  After word of the the surrender at Appomattox, Davis and his family fled.  President Davis was later captured in Florida trying to leave the country.  He was arrested for treason and after 2 years in prison he was released.  This painting of George Washington was in the foyer.  Most unusual to see George with the horses ass.  What do you think is the implication?

Jo and Bill were gracious hosts.  They took me to lunch at the NY Deli this afternoon.  It was very difficult to leave today.  I love them  so much and am very grateful to have them in my life.  I hope they take me up on my offer and come visit me soon.

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